Dr. Srinivas Peeta is a member of a multidisciplinary team of Purdue faculty and industry partners on a U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy (ARPA-E) NEXTCAR project that seeks to reduce vehicle fuel consumption by 20 percent through automated systems that interconnect cars and trucks and the transportation infrastructure using sensors and online cloud technology.

May , 2017

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is a member of a multidisciplinary team of Purdue faculty and industry partners on a U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy (ARPA-E) NEXTCAR project that seeks to reduce vehicle fuel consumption by 20 percent through automated systems that interconnect cars and trucks and the transportation infrastructure using sensors and online cloud technology. The project begins in May 2017, and will receive $5 million over a 3-year period. It focuses on Class 8 trucks, namely tractor trailers, and team members include Cummins Inc., Peloton Technology, Peterbilt Motors Co., the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and ZF TRW. Dr. Peeta will lead the team on Simulation. More information can be found at:

NetZero Integrated Housing and Transportation Solutions

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is one of the four principal investigators on research that seeks to develop affordable housing solutions for low-income families that ideally have a net zero energy footprint through an integrated approach to transportation and housing.

March , 2017

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is one of the four principal investigators on research that seeks to develop affordable housing solutions for low-income families that ideally have a net zero energy footprint through an integrated approach to transportation and housing. These solutions leverage advances in connectivity, sensors, feedback mechanisms and information delivery, in addition to an integrated smart energy grid to transform the affordable housing sector so that onsite renewable energy and smart home and transportation technologies are the rule rather than the exception. As part of the effort, the multidisciplinary research team is working with developers of testbed efforts at some locations in Indiana to develop innovative transportation strategies that are integrated with innovative housing solutions through sustainable business models. This project is one of the winners of the inaugural Discovery Park Big Idea Challenge competition, announced in March 2017:

USDOT Center for Connected and Automated Transportation

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is the Associate Director of the USDOT Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT), a multi-university consortium selected by the USDOT as the new Federal Region 5 University Transportation Center in December 2016.

December , 2016

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is the Associate Director of the USDOT Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT), a multi-university consortium selected by the USDOT as the new Federal Region 5 University Transportation Center in December 2016. CCAT will receive about $2.75 million from the USDOT per year and $2.75 million cost-share from non-federal partners. Dr. Peeta is the Purdue Principal Investigator for CCAT which has the University of Michigan (lead institution) and Purdue as the major partners, along with 4 other Midwest institutions. CCAT seeks to provide national and regional leadership for connected and automated transportation research, science, education, training, and deployment. Dr. Peeta’s connected and autonomous transportation research focuses on modeling and implementation, human factors and simulation environments, enabling technologies, policy and planning, infrastructure design and management, and control and operations. Further information on CCAT can be found at: http://ccat.umtri.umich.edu/

Smart City Solution, India

On behalf of the U.S. Department of State and the Institute for Sustainable Communities, Dr. Srinivas Peeta visited India in October 2016 as an American Transportation expert to support smart city solutions in India.

October , 2016

On behalf of the U.S. Department of State and the Institute for Sustainable Communities, Dr. Srinivas Peeta visited India in October 2016 as an American Transportation expert to support smart city solutions in India. As part of the visit, he interacted with stakeholders from the government, industry and academia to identify sustainable solutions in the Indian context. Details are at: http://www.iscvt.org/american-expert-in-urban-transportation-to-tour-india/

Welcome to Dr. Peeta

On October 29, 2015, National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (NCTSPM) at Georgia Tech will welcome Dr. Srinivas Peeta to the Transportation Speaker Series.

October , 2015

On October 29, 2015, National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (NCTSPM) at Georgia Tech will welcome Dr. Srinivas Peeta to the Transportation Speaker Series. Read more..

ITSC 2015 Paper Recognition

Paper recognized as being among the top three papers of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain.

September , 2015

Paper recognized as being among the top three papers of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain. Read more..