NetZero Integrated Housing and Transportation Solutions

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is one of the four principal investigators on research that seeks to develop affordable housing solutions for low-income families that ideally have a net zero energy footprint through an integrated approach to transportation and housing.

March , 2017

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is one of the four principal investigators on research that seeks to develop affordable housing solutions for low-income families that ideally have a net zero energy footprint through an integrated approach to transportation and housing. These solutions leverage advances in connectivity, sensors, feedback mechanisms and information delivery, in addition to an integrated smart energy grid to transform the affordable housing sector so that onsite renewable energy and smart home and transportation technologies are the rule rather than the exception. As part of the effort, the multidisciplinary research team is working with developers of testbed efforts at some locations in Indiana to develop innovative transportation strategies that are integrated with innovative housing solutions through sustainable business models. This project is one of the winners of the inaugural Discovery Park Big Idea Challenge competition, announced in March 2017: