Invited Talks & Presentations
- Invited Tutorial Speaker, “Mixed-Flow Traffic of CAVs and HDVs,” AutoSens USA 2024, 3-hour Invited Tutorial Provided to 800+ Participants from the Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS Industry; Detroit, MI, May 2024.
- Distinguished NGTS Seminar Speaker, “Framework for Sustainable Travel Through Smart and Engaged Communities,” Next Generation Transportation Systems Seminar Series, University of Michigan, MI, April 2024.
- Sriramulu Memorial Endowment Lecture Speaker, “Systematic Framework to Achieve Sustainable Travel in Smart and Engaged Communities,” Prof. C.T. Sriramulu Memorial Endowment Lecture, Anna University, Chennai, India, January 2024.
- Invited Speaker, “Enabling Sustainable Travel in Smart and Engaged Communities,” TransTech Talk Series, National Transportation Planning and Research Center, Kerala, India, December 2023.
- Invited Speaker, “Systematic Framework for Sustainable Travel Through Smart and Engaged Communities,” 10th Annual SMART Community Exchange USA on “Transatlantic Trade, Technology, and Security Partnerships”, Nordic Business Council USA, Peachtree Corners, GA, October 2023.
- Invited Panelist, “Open Science and Connecting Communities: Cross-disciplinary Collaboration,” NSF Workshop to Discover the Pathways to Future on “Connecting Communities Through Sustainable Urban Mobility”, NSF and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Phoenix, AZ, October 2023.
- Invited Panelist, “Impact of Technology on the Last Mile,” Last Mile Logistics Conference, ATDC Georgia Tech, Peachtree Corners, GA, October 2023.
- Invited Speaker, “Systematic Framework for Sustainable Travel Through Smart and Engaged Communities,” Sustainable Urban Mobility: Simulation and Optimization Workshop, Google, CA, June 2023.
- Warren Speaker, “Sustainable Travel Through Smart and Engaged Communities,” Distinguished Warren Seminar Series, University of Minnesota, MN, April 2023.
- Plenary Speaker, “Adaptive Traffic Control Systems,” Workshop on Intelligent Transportation System: Current Status and Future Ahead, Anna University, Chennai, India, March 2023 (Held in hybrid format).
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “String Instability Mitigation of Adaptive Cruise Control Without Modifying Control Laws,” Transportation Seminar Series, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, December 2022.
- Invited Panelist, “Automated Transportation: From Experiments to Scale”, Future of Automation and Autonomy in Transportation Systems, French American Innovation Day, Peachtree Corners, GA, November 2022.
- Plenary Speaker, “Incentive-based Decentralized Routing for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles using Information Propagation,” 24th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Beijing, China, July 2022 (Held in hybrid format due to Covid-related travel restrictions in China).
- Invited Speaker, “Simulators for Autonomous and Connected Transportation,” First Symposium on Connected Mobility, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, March 2022.
- Invited Webinar Panel Speaker, Driving Simulator-based Study of the Impacts of Various Roadway Design Modifications on the Curiosity Lab Test Track, Partnership for Inclusive Innovation, GA, November 2021.
- Invited Commentator, Academic Clinic, 9th International Conference of Transportation and Space-Time Economics Forum (TSTE 2021), Beijing, China, 2021.
- Plenary Speaker, “Information Flow Propagation Modeling for Traffic Management in Connected Vehicle Environments,” Civil-Engineering-2021, International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Lyon, France, September 2021.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Information Flow Topologies and Propagation Modeling for Traffic Management and Control under Connected Vehicle Environments,” Transportation Seminar Series, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, June 2021.
- Thar Seminar Series Invited Speaker, “Physiological and Cognitive Aspects of Real-Time Information Systems and Their Impacts on Driver Performance and Decision-Making,” Thar Talk Series: AI and Beyond, School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AIDE), Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, India, June 2021.
- Invited Speaker, “Decentralized Routing Strategies using Envy-Free Incentive Mechanisms for Deployment in CAV Environments,” Google Computational Mobility Workshop, Google Algorithms Workshop on Markets, Mobility, and the Mind, Google Inc., May 2021.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Deployable Decentralized Routing Strategies using Envy-Free Incentive Mechanisms for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environments,” Institute for Transportation Studies Seminar Series, University of California, Davis, CA, April 2021.
- Invited Panel Speaker, “Incentive-based Decentralized Routing for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,” Invited Discussions of Transportation Network Modeling, 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2021.
- Keynote Speaker, “Modeling Information Flow and Platooning for Control under Connected and Autonomous Vehicular Technologies,” 7th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, National Transportation Planning and Research Center, India, December 2020 (conference was held in a virtual mode due to COVID-19).
- Distinguished Speaker Series, USDOT Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility, SC, June 2020 (deferred due to COVID-19 pandemic).
- Invited Seminar Speaker, University of South Florida, FL, April 2020 (deferred due to COVID-19 pandemic).
- Invited Seminar Speaker, University of Florida, FL, April 2020 (deferred due to COVID-19 pandemic).
- Invited Seminar Speaker, University of Tennessee, TN, Spring 2020 (deferred due to COVID-19 pandemic).
- Invited Speaker and Panel Member, “Analytical Modeling for Control in Traffic Environments with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,” The Advancement of Modeling Connected and Automated Vehicles: Past and Future; Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee (AHB45), 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2020.
- Keynote Speaker, “Information Flow Propagation and Topologies for Control under Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,” Workshop on Smart Mobility (Data-driven Models and Algorithms), Google, and Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and AI, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, December 2019.
- Lead Speaker, Workshop on Traffic Management with the Aid of Modern Signals, Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC), Government of India, and Division of Transportation Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India, December 2019.
- Plenary Speaker, “Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles by Factoring Communication-Related Constraints,” 23rd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2019.
- Keynote Speaker, “Multiclass Traffic Assignment Model for Mixed Traffic Flow of Human-Driven Vehicles and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,” in Breakout Session Enabling AV Transportation Network: From Individual Vehicle Motion Control to Network Fleet Management, Automated Vehicles Symposium, Orlando, FL, July 2019.
- Invited Speaker, “Insights from Some Studies on Control in Traffic Networks,” NSF Workshop on Control for Networked Transportation Systems, Philadelphia, PA, July 2019.
- Invited Panelist and Speaker, “Mobility and Safety in an Era of Automation and Connectivity,” in Session “Sensors, Big Data, and Analytics for CAVs,” 2019 ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development, Alexandria, VA, June 2019.
- Invited Speaker, “Autonomous Vehicles’ Impacts on Capacity and Changes to the Transportation Network,” Autonomous Vehicles Modeling Expert Group Meeting, Davis, CA, April 2019.
- Invited On-Camera Interview, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, April 2019.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles by Factoring Communication-Related Constraints,” Georgia Tech Transportation Institute Transportation Seminar Series, Atlanta, GA, April 2019.
- Invited Panelist, “Success after Graduation,” Georgia Tech Institute for Transportation Engineers Seminar Panel, Atlanta, GA, February 2019.
- Special Invitee, Keynote Speaker and Panelist, Session on “Reinventing Public Transport,” “MOVE: A Global Mobility Summit,” Government of India, organized by National Institute for Transforming India (NITI Aayog), New Delhi, India, September 2018.
- Invited Seminar, “Emerging Modeling Needs for Autonomous and Connected Transportation,”,” Indian Institute of Technology (Madras) and Anna University, Chennai, India, September 2018.
- Keynote Speaker, “Emerging Travel Modeling Needs under Autonomous and Connected Technologies,” Closing Session: “Looking Ahead – The Future of Innovations in Travel Modeling,” 7th International Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, Atlanta, GA, June 2018.
- Invited Lecture, “The Autonomous and Connected Transportation Future,” Visiting Scholar Seminar Series, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Utica, NY, April 2018.
- Invited Speaker, “Autonomous Vehicles: Benefits and Concerns,” WALLA Lecture Series, West Lafayette, IN, April 2018.
- Invited Speaker, “V2V Communications Reliability and Security for Connected and Autonomous Transportation,” Purdue CERIAS Annual Cyber Physical Security Day Symposium, West Lafayette, IN, April 2018.
- Invited Panelist, “Cooperative Control Mechanism for Platoon Formation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,” Panel on “Enabling Technologies”, 2018 Global Symposium on Connected and Automated Vehicles, Ann Arbor, MI, March 2018.
- Invited Panel Moderator, Panel on “The Human in a Connected and Autonomous World”, 2018 Global Symposium on Connected and Automated Vehicles, Ann Arbor, MI, March 2018.
- Invited Speaker, “Establishing Purdue as the National Leader in Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Research,” Purdue President’s Council Annual Weekend, Naples, FL, February 2018.
- Invited Speaker, “Purdue’s Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) Partnership,” INDOT Executive Committee, West Lafayette, IN, November 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “Field Testing in Peer States and Emerging Partnership Opportunities,” 2017 IMPO Autonomous Vehicle Summit, Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Indianapolis, IN, October 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “Autonomous and Connected Vehicles: The Unfolding Transportation Future,” ITE Midwest/Great Lakes Student Leadership Summit, West Lafayette, IN, September 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “Connected and Autonomous Transportation: Ongoing Research,” Purdue ITE Student Seminar, West Lafayette, IN, September 2017.
- Invited Opening Speaker, “Connected and Automated Vehicles: Modeling and Management Needs” Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Workshop on “Getting There From Here,” Evanston, IL, July 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “The Autonomous Transportation Future,” Purdue University Retirees Association, West Lafayette, IN, July 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “Autonomous and Connected Vehicles,” Duke Energy Day, West Lafayette, IN, June 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “Field Testing in Peer States and Emerging Partnership Opportunities,” Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Summit, Indiana Department of Transportation, Indianapolis, IN, June 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “Transportation in the Increasingly Information-Rich Environment,” Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, May 2017.
- Invited Speaker, “Modeling of Networks for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems,” International Symposium on Smart Transportation and Traffic Modeling, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, November 2016.
- Invited Expert and Speaker, “India Smart Cities Program: Transportation Perspectives for Ajmer,” Mayo College, Ajmer, India, October 2016.
- Invited Expert, “Ajmer’s Transportation Challenges and Solutions,” Presentation and Discussion with Municipal Commissioner’s Office, City of Ajmer, Ajmer, India, October 2016.
- Invited Expert, “Ajmer’s Smart City Initiatives and Transportation,” Presentation and Discussion with Mayor, City of Ajmer, Ajmer, India, October 2016.
- Invited Expert and Speaker, “India Smart Cities Program: Transportation Perspectives,” IIS University, Jaipur, India, October 2016.
- Invited Expert and Speaker, “Smart Cities and Transportation: Systems Thinking and Role of Technology,” Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India, October 2016.
- Invited Expert and Speaker, “Smart Cities and Transportation: Systems Thinking and Indian Context,” Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, October 2016.
- Invited Speaker and Panelist, “Urban Transport Solutions for Smart Cities,” American Center, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi, India, October 2016.
- Invited Transportation Expert and Speaker, “India’s Smart Cities Program and Transportation,” U.S. Department of State and Institute for Sustainable Communities, New Delhi, India, October 2016.
- Institute Lecture, “Modeling of Networks for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems,” Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, October 2016.
- Keynote Speaker, “Enhancing Resilience of Transportation Systems: Concepts and Applications,” International Workshop on Resilient and Sustainable Transportation (I-RESTRA), Shanghai, China, May 2016.
- Invited Speaker, “Modeling the Information Flow Propagation Wave under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications,” Transportation Speaker Series, National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, October 2015.
- Plenary Speaker, “Model and a Solution Algorithm for the Dynamic Resource Allocation Problem for Large-Scale Transportation Network Evacuation,” 21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Kobe, Japan, August 2015.
- Invited Speaker, “Design of Interactive Driving Simulator Experiments for Real-time Route Guidance that Capture Human Factors Considerations,” AHFE 2015 International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation (Road, Rail, Aviation and Maritime), Las Vegas, NV, July 2015.
- Invited Speaker, “Demand and Supply Considerations for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles” Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China, June 2015.
- Invited Speaker, “Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, and the Role of Interactive Driving Simulator Experiments,” Southwest Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, June 2015.
- Invited Speaker, “Dynamic Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Transportation Network Evacuation,” Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ Workshop on Natural Disasters, NSF Science and Technology Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Atlanta, GA, May 2015.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Dynamic Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Transportation Network Evacuation,” Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, February 2015.
- Keynote Speaker (Opening Session), “Integrating Planning and Operations: Insights from Disaster Response Modeling,” 2014 International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2014.
- ITS Happening! Seminar Series Speaker, “Dynamic Resource Allocation for Evacuation in a Large-Scale Transportation Network,” Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Chennai, India, December 2014.
- Invited Special Session Speaker, “An Analytical Model to Characterize the Spatiotemporal Propagation of Information under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications,” The 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Qingdao, China, October 2014.
- Keynote Speaker, “Dynamic Resource Allocation Problem for Large-Scale Transportation Network Evacuation,” The International Symposium on the Recent Advances in Intelligent Transportation Systems and Traffic Flow Theory: The Frontier and Challenges, Zhejiang University, China, October 2014.
- Invited Speaker, “Emerging Frontiers in Transportation: Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles,” Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, October 2014.
- Invited Speaker, “Emerging Frontiers in Transportation: Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles,” Tongji University, Shanghai, China, October 2014.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Entropy Weighted Average Method for the Determination of Single Representative Path Flow Solution for the Static User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Problem,” Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, July 2014.
- Invited Speaker, “Transportation Supply Side Modeling in the Context of Autonomous Vehicles,” Automated Vehicle Symposium, San Francisco, CA, July 2014.
- Invited Speaker, “Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications: Information Propagation Modeling,” Guindy Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, India, July 2014.
- Invited Workshop Speaker, “Integrating Planning and Operations: Insights from Disaster Response Modeling,” 5th Transportation Research Board Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, Baltimore, MD, April 2014.
- Plenary Speaker (Opening Session), “Exploring the Obstacles to Moving Research/Innovations into Practice: Academic/Innovator Perspective,” 5th Transportation Research Board Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, Baltimore, MD, April 2014.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Graph-based Modeling of Information Flow Propagation under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications,” University of Buffalo: State University of New York, NY, March 2014.
- Keynote Speaker, “Disaster Planning and Management: Transportation Aspects,” Second Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India, Agra, India, December 2013.
- Invited Tutorial Speaker, “Dynamic Traffic Assignment,” Second Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India, Agra, India, December 2013.
- Invited Panelist, “How to Make Professional Presentations,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 2013.
- Invited Speaker, “Travel Behavior Modeling for Multimodal Transportation Systems,” Symposium on Travel Behavior and Multimodal Transportation, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, August 2013.
- Invited Speaker, “Information Fusion Models to Predict Short-Term Link Travel Time Distribution in Dynamic Traffic Networks,” Workshop on Traffic Information Collection and Applications, Shanghai, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, August 2013.
- Plenary Speaker, “A Generalized Framework for Mass Evacuation Operations Integrating Demand, Supply and Disaster Characteristics,” 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Shenzhen, China, August 2013.
- Invited Speaker and Panel Member, “Understanding the Psychological Effects of Real-Time Information for the Travel Experience and Related Performance Measures,” TRB Workshop on Impact of Information on Decisions, Choices, and Behaviors of Travelers; User Information Systems Committee, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2013.
- Opening Ceremony Keynote Speaker, “Integrated Demand-Supply Framework for No-Notice Mass Evacuation under Disasters,” 2012 International Conference of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, Tainan, Taiwan, December 2012.
- Plenary Speaker, “Incorporating Behavioral Considerations to Model Network Traffic Flow Dynamics,” 2012 International Workshop on Traffic Assignment and Network Modeling, Tainan, Taiwan, December 2012.
- Invited Panel Member, “Mobility Management Strategies of Tainan,” 2012 International Transportation Forum, Tainan, Taiwan, December 2012.
- Invited Opening Ceremony Speaker, “Convenient, Safe, Cost-Effective and Efficient Multimodal Transportation,” 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Beijing, China, August 2012.
- Plenary Speaker, “Incorporating Behavioral Considerations to Model Network Traffic Flow Dynamics under Real-Time Information,” 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Beijing, China, August 2012.
- Invited Speaker, “Strategic Transportation Perspectives: The Need for Integrated and Sustainable Solutions,” China-U.S. Bilateral Forum on Strategic Development of Transportation, Shanghai, China, August 2012.
- Invited Panel Moderator, NSF Workshop on Complexity Science Applied to Coupled Infrastructure Systems (InfraPlex), Martha’s Vineyard, MA, June 2012.
- Keynote Speaker, “Transportation Planning in the U.S.,” Workshop on Lessons from Multimodal Transportation Planning, Guindy Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, India, January 2012.
- Keynote Speaker, “Networks, ITS, and the Indian Context,” First Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India, Bangalore, India, December 2011.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Adaptive Information Fusion Model to Predict the Short-Term Link Travel Time Distributions in Dynamic Traffic Networks,” Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India, December 2011.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Modeling Interdependencies Among Infrastructure Systems,” Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, November 2011.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Adaptive Information Fusion Model to Predict the Short-Term Link Travel Time Distributions in Dynamic Traffic Networks,” Arizona State University, AZ, November 2011.
- Invited Panel Moderator, “Natural Gas and the Logistics of Changing Infrastructures,” Shell Energy Day; Symposium on the New Frontiers in Oil and Natural Gas Exploration, Purdue University, September 2011.
- Invited Speaker, “Bi-Level Optimization Framework to Identify Policy Options to Reduce Energy Consumption in Interurban Multimodal Transportation Systems,” INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Workshop, Pacific Grove, CA, June 2011.
- Invited Speaker, “An Integrated Framework to Analyze Interactions between Air and Road Modes in a Regional Transportation System,” INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Workshop, Pacific Grove, CA, June 2011.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Modeling Interdependencies Among Infrastructure Systems,” University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 2011.
- Invited Panel Member, “Roundtable on Transportation, Distribution, and Energy Networks,” Network Resilience Conference, West Lafayette, IN, April 2011.
- Invited Presenter, “Enriching the Quality of Travel Experience: Innovative Partnerships,” U.S. Department of Transportation Sponsored Research Demonstration/Exhibition, Washington, D.C., April 2011.
- Invited Panel Member, U.S. Department of Transportation Sponsored Research Demonstration/Exhibition, Washington, D.C., April 2011.
- Invited Workshop Speaker and Panel Member, “Holistic System-Based Modeling for Disaster Planning and Management,” TRB Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications Committee, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2011.
- Invited Speaker and Panelist, “Traveler Behavior Data Needs for Transportation Network Modeling,” Information Exchange on Traveler Behavior Survey Data, Transportation Research Board and Volpe Center, Keck Center of the National Academies, December 2010.
- Invited UniSA Distinguished Researcher Seminar Speaker, “A Strategic Framework to Enhance Infrastructure Network Survivability and Functionality under Disasters,” University of South Australia (UniSA), Adelaide, Australia, April 2010.
- Invited Research Seminar Speaker, “Real-Time Traveller Information: Research Needs to Determine Network Impacts,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, April 2010.
- Invited Research Seminar Speaker, “Behavior-Consistent Real-Time Vehicular Traffic Routing under Deployable Information Systems,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, April 2010.
- Invited Speaker, “Advances in Intelligent Transportation Systems,” Indo-US Workshop on Emerging Trends in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, India, February 2010.
- Invited Speaker, Resource Paper, “Advances in Modeling Network Traffic Flow Dynamics Incorporating Behavioral Considerations,” The 12th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, International Association for Travel Behavior Research, December 2009.
- Plenary Speaker, “A Common Modeling Framework for Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Supply Chain Management Systems with Congestion Phenomena,” The 18th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Hong Kong, July 2009.
- Invited Speaker, “Integration by Design,” Council of University Transportation Centers Summer Meeting, Amherst, MA, June 2009.
- Invited Lead Panel Speaker, “Research Needs to Determine Network Impacts of Real-Time Traveler Information,” TRB Workshop on Identifying Traveler Information Research Needs, Irvine, CA, April 2009.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Behavior-Consistent Real-Time Vehicular Traffic Routing under Deployable Information Systems,” Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, March 2009.
- Invited Lecture Speaker, “Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Networks – Part I,” Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, March 2009.
- Invited Lecture Speaker, “Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Networks – Part II,” Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, March 2009.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Intelligent Transport Systems and Use of Electronic Sensors and Communication Terminals,” SAMEER (Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research), Department of Information Technology, Government of India, Chennai, India, March 2009.
- Invited Visiting Distinguished Scholar Seminar Speaker, “Integrating Planning and Operational Aspects to Identify Network Investments for Disaster Response,” National Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2009.
- Invited Visiting Distinguished Scholar Seminar Speaker, “Research Needs to Determine Network Impacts of Real-Time Traveler Information,” National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2009.
- Invited Visiting Distinguished Scholar Seminar Speaker, “Collaborative Logistics: The Single Freight Carrier Collaboration Problem” National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, March 2009.
- Invited Visiting Distinguished Scholar Seminar Speaker, “Research Needs to Determine Network Impacts of Real-Time Traveler Information,” National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, March 2009.
- Invited Workshop Speaker and Panel Member, “Overview of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Guidelines,” Network Models in Practice Sub-Committee, 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2009.
- Invited Speaker and Panel Member, “All Modes, All Roads, All the Time: Identifying Traveler Information Research Needs,” Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee, 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2009.
- Invited Panel Member, “Workforce Roundtable: Are University Programs Meeting Industry Needs?” 6th Annual Indiana Logistics Summit, Indianapolis, IN, November 2008.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Integrated Framework for Disaster Management,” Koc University, Turkey, June, 2008.
- Invited Speaker, “Megacities and System of Systems Modeling,” 2008 Indo-American Frontiers of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering Irvine, CA, February 2008.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, ” Behavior-consistent Deployable Real-time Traffic Routing under Information Provision,” Institute of Transportation Studies Seminar, University of California, Irvine, February 2008.
- Invited Workshop Speaker and Panel Member, “Issues and Modeling Related to Incorporating Qualitative Variables for Individual Choice Decisions,” Artificial Intelligence Committee, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2008.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Modeling Infrastructure Interdependencies using Multilayer Networks,” ITS Institute Seminar Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, December 2007.
- Invited Plenary Speaker, “NEXTRANS Center: Objectives and Mechanisms for Collaboration in Logistics,” 5th Annual Indiana Logistics Summit, Indianapolis, IN, September 2007.
- Invited Seminar Series Speaker, “Behavior-Consistent Information-Based Route Guidance: Integrating Network Interactions and Traveler Response,” Transportation Center Seminar Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, April 2007.
- Invited Workshop Speaker, “Integrating Demand and Supply Travel Models,” 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2007.
- Invited Workshop Speaker, “Critical Issues in Transportation: How can Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computation Help?” 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 2007.
- Invited Lecture Speaker, “Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Networks,” Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, December 2006.
- Invited Speaker, “Strengthening the Links of a Stochastic Network for Disaster Response,” 7th International Workshop on Transportation Planning & Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, India, December 2006.
- Invited Panel Speaker, “National Issues Related to Logistics,” Indiana Logistics Summit, Indianapolis, IN, November 2006.
- Invited Panel Member, “Integrating Demand and Network Models,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006.
- Invited Speaker, “Dynamic Traffic Network Models,” Argonne National Lab, IL, November 2006.
- Invited Panel Chair and Moderator, “Dynamic Network Loading: Which Models and What Level of Space/Time Discretisation are Appropriate,” First International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Leeds, UK, June 2006.
- Invited Panel Member, “Challenges to Real-time Deployment of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models,” First International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Leeds, UK, June 2006.
- Invited Speaker, Workshop on Potential Transportation Applications of 2025-era Space-based Position, Navigation, and Time (PNT) Technologies, Research and Innovative Technologies Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Consortium for Remote Sensing of Transportation – Flows (NCRST-F), Columbus, OH, November 2005.
- Plenary Lecture, NSF Workshop on Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Systems, University Park, PA, May 2005.
- Invited Speaker, System of Systems, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Washington, D.C., May 2005.
- Invited Speaker, Plenary Panel Member, and Workshop Moderator, “Adapting Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models to Incorporate Bus Transit,” National Science Foundation Sponsored Pan-American Conference and Workshop on the Interface Between Automobile Traffic Networks under Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Bus Rapid Transit Systems, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2003.
- Invited Speaker, Panel Discussant and Theme Moderator, “Deployable Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Networks with Advanced Traveler Information Systems,” Federal Highway Administration Workshop on Next Generation of Models for Traffic Analysis, Monitoring and Management, Tucson, Arizona, September 2001.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Information Technology and Transportation,” Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India, July 2000.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Remote On-line Architecture for Real-time Route Guidance and Control,” Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, June 2000.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Advanced Technologies in Transportation,” Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, December 1998.
- Invited Seminar Speaker, “Operational Consistency and the On-Line Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problem,” University of California, Berkeley, October 1998.
- Invited Speaker, “An A Priori Optimization Approach for Robust On-Line Dynamic Traffic Assignment,” The 3rd Triennial Symposium on Transportation Systems, Puerto Rico, June 1998.
- Invited Speaker, “A Simulation-Based Algorithm for Dynamic Network Assignment with Multiple User Classes under Real-Time Information,” Joint CORS-Optimization Days Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 1994.
- Invited Speaker and Panel Discussant, “Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Route Guidance Decisions,” the 39th North American Regional Science Association International Conference, Chicago, November 1992.